The latest version of Microsoft Excel is Microsoft Office 2019. This version was released on September 24, 2018 for Windows and on July 9, 2019 for Mac. It incl
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Computer Terminology
What is the importance of Microsoft Windows?
Asked by Wiki User
Microsoft Windows is an operating system that establishes communication between computer hardware and software. It controls computer performance and user experi
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Computer Programming
How do make an autoclicker in notepad?
Asked by Wiki User
i am not answering this, but all i need to know is how i can use, either left click or keypad 5 in .vbs format because i have a spammer, and i just need to chan
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Computer Programming
What is Artificial Intelligence and what roles are there for such technologies in business?
Asked by Wiki User
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. In business, A
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Computer Programming
Is there is a demand for MCA Graduate in India?
Asked by Wiki User
Yes, there is a demand for MCA. LPU’s MCA program is designed to equip students with the essential technical knowledge and skills required in the dynamic field
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Computer Programming
Why bcnf is stronger than 3nf?
Asked by Wiki User
A relation R is in 3NF if and only if every dependency A->B satisfied by R meets at least ONE of the following criteria: 1. A->B is trivial (i.e. B is a s
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Disadvantages of input devices?
Asked by Wiki User
Input Devices provide input signals to Computing devices. There can be disadvantages for a particular type of Input Device such as Mouse, Keyboard, Pointers etc
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Computer Programming
What is the complexity of Floyd warshall algorithm?
Asked by Wiki User
The Floyd-Warshall algorithm is a classic example of dynamic programming used to find the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a weighted graph. It’s
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Computer Programming
Has jacquline Wilson written for adults?
Asked by Wiki User
Yes, Jacqueline Wilson has written books for adults. In addition to her well-known works for children and young adults, she has also written several novels targ
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Computer Programming
How did the dispute arise between the big-endians and the little-endians?
Asked by Wiki User
The dispute between the big-endians and the little-endians arose from a disagreement over how boiled eggs should be opened. The big-endians believed in cracking
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Computer Programming
Display odd number using for loop?
Asked by Wiki User
It is actually quite easy to write a program in java to do this. The easiest way to do this that I can think of is to use the remainder operator (%) to test whe
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Computer Programming
What is expression in software?
Asked by Wiki User
In software, an expression is a combination of values, variables, operators, and functions that can be evaluated to produce a result. Expressions can be used to
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Computer Programming
What is a stateless session beans?
Asked by Wiki User
A stateless session bean is a type of enterprise bean in Java EE that doesn’t maintain any conversational state with clients. Each client request is treated ind
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Computer Programming
Does a cheat engine slow down computer?
Asked by Wiki User
Using a cheat engine itself does not necessarily slow down a computer. However, running a cheat engine alongside a game or technologie program may consume additional system
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Computer Programming
What does a high level of ornithine mean?
Asked by Wiki User
A high level of ornithine typically indicates a deficiency in the enzyme that breaks down ornithine, called ornithine transcarbamylase. This can lead to a condi
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Computer Programming
Sides on a decgon?
Asked by Wiki User
10 sides on a “decagon.” deca as a prefix means 10.
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